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Unplug To Truly Connect Summer Challenge

Unplug To Truly Connect Summer Challenge

What if someone told you that in two months your child will:

  •           Become calmer, develop better attention,  frustration tolerance and ability to wait

  •           Improve play and social skills

  •           Find joy in outdoor play, chores, board games,  family dinners

  •           Become more equipped for learning

Moreover, what if someone told you that in two months you will:

  •           Become a more creative parent

  •           Develop a deeper connection with your children

Wouldn’t you be ready to do all that is needed to make it happen?

Here I am telling you that all of the above is possible to achieve with only TWO required conditions:

Over the summer break, minimize your child’s access to TECHNOLOGY and maximize your child’s access to YOU.

Results guaranteed! Proven by hundreds of my clients and supported by research evidence.

Join me in the “UNPLUG to TRULY CONNECT” challenge. Please like and share so that more parents can participate. If every parent takes on this challenge, it will be an important step towards changing the future of our children and bringing them back to the natural path of development.

Please read my previous post for technology replacement ideas.

For more specific guidance, I am available for personal or SKYPE consultations to help you and your child succeed in this challenge.

Lets make our world a better place for our children!

Victoria Prooday


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