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“Green time” treatment for ADHD symptoms

“Green time” treatment for ADHD symptoms


Anthony Prooday walking

The most common misconception about children with ADHD is that they have a lot of energy and need to participate in as many extracurricular activities as possible to burn off extra energy. In my office, I see children who have an extracurricular activity almost every day of a week. Interestingly, I find that the more symptoms of hyperactivity children have, the more extracurricular activities they are enrolled in.

The nervous system of children with ADHD is in the over-aroused state.  Their nervous system is too stressed, too excited, too stimulated. They don’t need more…they need less. Children with ADHD need more calmness, more quietness, more slowness!

Numerous studies have demonstrated a link between time spent in outdoor green space and reduction of ADHD symptoms. It is a free, simple, easily accessible, non-pharmaceutical intervention that can benefit not only children with ADHD but the whole family.  Even 20 minutes a day counts!

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